Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Chilli for Breakfast: The Parable of the Geraniums - By Saskia

Saskia has an amazing and profound Blog, Here's her latest, and I think my favourite, post.

Chilli for Breakfast: The Parable of the Geraniums:

"I was out watering my garden this morning and I found a flower on one of my geranium plants.

This is interesting because I originally had two geranium plants, one of them I planted in pretty shallow soil and the other one in deep soil. The first geranium plant bore lots of flowers after about two days. I was overjoyed, but puzzled as to why the other geranium didn't have any. The flowers lasted for another couple of days and then died. This geranium has slowly been dying ever since. Now there are a few green leaves on it but most of them are brown and its stalk is all withered.The second geranium just sat there for weeks. Its leaves were still green so I knew it was alive but it didn't seem to be thriving. Its leaves were sort of slightly curled up and it was... well... just sitting there.

But today, at least a month later, probably more like two months, it finally has a single flower, and still looks happy and green.

This reminded me in a really concrete way of Jesus' similar parable. And it made me realise the point of that comparison - it's not actually a good thing to do lots of good stuff and look like you're doing really well straight away. If you bury yourself deep in the soil of God's love and His word, then the fruit will come.
But you have to be patient. It won't come straight away, and you might only get one change at a time.

I find this so comforting because it makes me realise how true Jesus saying was "my yoke is easy and my burden is light." I mean seriously - ALL we have to do is revel in God's love? We don't actually have to work changes in those impossible areas ourselves?
I also find it comforting because it shows me that sometimes there might be times in our lives where we feel like we are not bearing much fruit. But that doesn't mean we're "backsliding". A church I used to attend used to tell us that if you aren't moving forward in God, then you're backsliding. You can't just stand still. And I understand what they mean but at the same time that idea can cause lots of anxiety if it's taken wrongly (or presented wrongly).
Sometimes you might feel like you are at a standstill. But if we rest deep in God's love we will never stop bearing fruit."

Check out Saskia's super awesome blog!
 Do It!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chistmas Break

Hey All, Merry Christmas!

In the light of the festive season DC is taking a break. We'll be meeting again in January next year, but the day and time (and definately the location) cay change, keep an eye on this space to find out all the info...

A the risk of sounding too festive:Merry Christmas again, God Bless,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lapse Tonight!

Hi all,

Just a reminder that DC is going to Amnesty International's Lapse Art event tonight. It starts at 7 and is $20 to see some awesome performance (featuring Jess) and put together by Laura H, who's joined us for DC at different times in the past. Checkout the post on this blog for December 3rd for more info, or go to

Hope to see you there.

DC's home is on the move

Drama Church has met in a few locations in it's history, but mostly at SU House. Whilst you couldn't always rely on the temperature/mess/availability of the space their was something charming and usable about it.

SU House is on the move however to a new location in Bayswater. Next year DC will no longer have it's Mt Hawthorn home and so we need a new one. We've been thinking that moving to our own home might be teh best option for the present as it should accommodate the current group and it's needs well. If that changes we would then start to look for somewhere else to go. Other suggestions of central locations would also be great, if you have any.

What's your thoughts about where to take DC for next year?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Amnesty Next Week

Next Tuesday, the 7th, Drama Church is taking an excursion to Amnesty international's ARTillery Lapse 24 hour performance experiment.

ARTillery is the cleverly named arts festival that Amnesty run to promote their advocacy and get people involved in creative ways. Lapse is one of the projects where artists come together to devise a performance in 24 hours based on a given topic. The result is a series of unique performances displayed to the public on Tuesday night. The theme this year is around Women's Rights (I think) and it should be entertaining and edifying for us all.

 Please come and join us at the bamBOO Mainstage behind Luxe bar, 446 Beaufort St Highgate. The cost is $20.

For more info on the festival, visit For more info on Amnesty International's work, visit Check out the Facebook event ARTillery Lapse 24 hour performance experiment.

Hope to see you there.